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It isn't laziness. You are overstimulated.

The key to getting things done is to slow down and enjoy life a little more.

Sometimes I publish an essay that inadvertently reveals my own personal issues. This happens once in a while. So here I am each month, promoting self-help material and demonstrating how to live more successfully. My investigation leads me to discover that I have flaws in my strategy.

Here's another one of those pieces of writing: It all comes down to overstimulating the body and the brain. It is either completely disregarded or misidentified as something else much too often.. They are widespread and are still being felt. Avoiding excessive stimulation will allow you to release an industriousness that has been waiting for you all along.


The most telling indication that you are overstimulated.

Social media and flashing displays are both known to be dangerous, as many of you are well aware. It is becoming old science that they have a negative impact on cognitive function and the capacity to carry out activities successfully. Despite this, many continue to underestimate the magnitude of the problem.

Consider the fact that your eyes are not only connected to your brain, but they are also believed to be real brain tissue in certain cases. Your retina is composed of the same material as your frontal lobe, which makes sense. Technically speaking, when you look someone in the eyes, you are looking at the only visible portion of their brain at that moment. These organs serve as a conduit for potentially harmful impulses.

Using mice as an example, when they are exposed to displays that look like mobile phones and televisions, they perform substantially poorer in cognitive assessments such as mazes, memory tests, and other types of problem-solving tasks. When they are not engrossed in screens, they walk through mazes with a cool and natural efficiency that is admirable. Distractions are not taken into consideration.


Exercise dopamine fasting to improve your work ethic.

Even now, there are days when I look back and wonder what I really accomplished. I'm certain I didn't do anything. Technically, though, I was still engaged in activities. When I was lying in my bed, I was browsing through Facebook and watching YouTube. I looked over my Medium statistics a couple of dozen times. Everything becomes a matter of enjoyment. That is all that dopamine rushes accomplish. In most cases, data scientists are not employed to perform what is best for the client. You will frequently find yourself circling the drain of app alerts as they are recruited to increase engagement levels.

This is why dopamine fasting has such a powerful impact. You are releasing the need to juggle your pleasure receptors that you have triggered. Activating your brain's ability to engage and complete tasks without being distracted by apps is the result of deliberately disengaging from this cycle.

The key concept here is cognitive awareness, which is also known as metacognition. It is something that the greatest achievers are excellent at. It is preferable for them to go outside of themselves and watch their performance rather than live like a wild animal and succumbing to every impulse. They adopt the perspective of a critical third party. They are aware of the turmoil and take action to put an end to it.

To put this into practice, grab a piece of paper and begin drawing a line whenever you feel the need to get a dopamine rush. As you begin to make marks on your paper, you bring your attention to that urge. It's not uncommon to have 50 lines on your first attempt at anything. Concentrate on reducing the number on a daily basis.

To take it a step further, pay attention to how other things may trigger negative behaviors as well. For example, I have a blue Yeti cup that I use to remind myself to drink soda on a regular basis. When I keep it hidden, I tend to consume less soda and have fewer sugar crashes. Even though I'm far from becoming a metacognitive expert, this is a significant step forward.


When you don't do anything, it becomes everything.

Raymond Chandler, a well-known novelist, devised a great technique for procrastination, which I have used for many years. It's referred to as the "Nothing Alternative" since it involves not allowing oneself to accomplish anything while you're feeling unproductive.

This implies that there will be no entertainment gadgets, literature, or anything else. It is very monotonous. However, if you follow this guideline and allow yourself to accomplish just one item, you will find yourself walking the plank and completing that one job. It has the effect of putting oneself on time out. However, you will discover that your job outweighs the misery of boredom.

If you are having difficulty concentrating, meditation may be very beneficial. When I'm distracted the most, I shut my eyes and concentrate on not letting any ideas to enter. It is at these times when maintaining mental quiet is the most challenging. My mind is a whirlwind of jumbled energy and ideas that jolt and gust about inside of me like wind. However, at the end of the day, I feel calm and focused. I am ready to go to work. Start with 5–10 minutes and work your way up. A little goes a long way in this world.


Why goals are important in combating overstimulation.

Robert A. Heinlein famously remarked, "In the absence of clearly defined objectives, we grow oddly devoted to executing everyday minutiae until, eventually, we become enslaved by it." He was referring to the lack of clearly defined goals in our lives.

Having objectives simplifies your efforts, allowing you to go through a tunnel through the background noise. There is no need for a lengthy check-list to be created. It lessens the significance of the job. Maintain a straightforward and concise list. It increases your sense of connection to your objective. It protects you from being distracted by unproductive activities.

At least in contrast to mouse studies, we do not get to observe the outcomes of the "control self" who is surpassing us. Start by determining which labyrinth you wish to go through, much like an efficient mouse. Then disregard everything and everyone who tries to pull you away from your goal. Maintain your vigilance. Consider every distraction to be a false turn in a labyrinth that is difficult to find your way out of.


The main thing to remember.

Too many individuals are trapped in a cycle of repeated, useless behaviors that are intended to keep them in a state of constant feedback. Concentrate on slowing down your thoughts. This may be accomplished via the practice of meditation and the establishment of forced disconnect times from technology. Every day, I have a two-hour window during which no screens are permitted.

When it comes to productivity, it's not about getting everything done; rather, it's about doing the right things. Make your objectives very clear. If you are procrastinating, you should force yourself to do nothing. Making a decision to do nothing often results in a decision to do something. Above all, use caution in deciding what you let into your head. Remove as much background noise as feasible.


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